Lucia M.


Although she does not know it
there is poetry in her eyes.
There is music in there as well,
and the dance of light.

A summer away from home
in a far off land;
where the differences
are shouted at her every day,
but the hints of home
are only found in hidden moments.

She works, and earns,
she listens and learns,
her bright eyes missing little,
except in those moments
when she is so tired she cries,
missing her home, her cat, her bed.

But she has dreams,
and strength, youth, and heart -
she will light this world on fire.

So she hears birds song
instead of grumbles,
melodies rather than complaints,
Shines a honey-glow bright as sunlight
and smiles all the way up from her toes,
meaning every one.


©2024 Christopher Reilley 

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