Poetry's Pools

AI generated art by the Bytesized Studios

Poetry's Pools

In the vast oceans of language
Poetry is the lagoon of thought;
cool and clear,
deep and cold,
teeming with life and ideas.

Sandbars of form, 
or rhyme,
and enjambment,
barrier islands of opaque classics,
keep the rest of discourse
from poetry’s pools.


This Quadrille (44 word poem) shared with those deep, limpid poets over at DVerse Poets.

©2024 Christopher Reilley 

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  1. I love the thought of poetry being such lovely water... it can of course also be a murky pool of dark thoughts.

  2. Love you're relating poetry to a lagoon! Well done!

  3. Ooh I love this. Poetry is the lagoon, and I wonder what is outside of that after reading.

  4. I would love to have a long vacation in this Poetry Lagoon!

  5. Love the connection to oceans of language and poetry. I'd like to take my residence there, smiles. _ Grace

  6. Wonderful concept, Chris. It does seem a world apart.

  7. Your poetry's pools are stunning, Chris, and I love the opening lines! And ‘sandbars of form’! The dVerse Poets Pub is a watering hole, serving up from the lagoon of poetry.

  8. This is a really neat meta-poem. Nice use of imagery and metaphor here.


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