Kiss Me Three Times

Image by Klara Kulikova for Unsplash


It was a brilliant late spring afternoon, with breezes as sweet and warm as lover's breath, when they found each other. 

At first it was all push/pull/clutch/grab with each desire fulfilled inflaming the next in its turn, until each had feasted at the banquet of the other. This took the time that it took, no less and no more, and it was immense in its bliss, so would live within them, the pulse of the moment giving rhythm to their desires for the rest of their lives.

Then it was languid, exploring, complete with giggles and sound effects, soft in its own way, and yet charged with life, a connecting current.

And then the charm, the third connection, the one that curled their toes and made them believe that maybe more was possible, after all. This could be what they wanted.


A passionate kiss 
should steal the breath, stop the heart,
and bounce off the soul.


This HAIBUN (prose/haiku combo) shared with those breathtaking poets over at DVerse Poets.

©2024 Christopher Reilley 

I would love to know what you thought about this piece. 
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  1. Wow, your haibun is full of passion, Chris! I like the phrase ‘’breezes as sweet & warm as a lover's breath’. I love the haiku!

  2. I especially loved those curled toes... the ulitimate give-away that it is for real.

  3. Simply love the progresssion of passion to love. Beautifully done!

  4. Very well done, Christopher. And your are exactly right!

  5. The physicality of a kiss is well-described here.

  6. I love the progression of this. Love the haiku at the end very much.

  7. Excellent. Your haiku was inspired.

  8. Maybe someday!!!! I’m not anonymous at all!!! It’s Sarah Puliafico!!!❤️


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