Poem From Behind the Bar

Poem From Behind the Bar

I don’t care, I just mix the drinks.
Your jokes never land, but I laugh,
your flirting bounces off like rain;
as long as you leave behind love.

I work for tips, not for friends.
I don’t care, I just mix the drinks.
Right or Left, right or wrong, so what?
Just smile, have yourself a good time.

The cash you wave to catch my eye
never gains you my real respect.
I don’t care, I just mix the drinks
that you lubricate yourself with.

If you are nice when you are lit,
tip well, have manners, are discreet -
you can get away with murder,
I don’t care, I just mix the drinks.

This Quatern is a sixteen line (of eight beats each) French form composed of four quatrains. It is similar to the Kyrielle and the Retourne. It has a refrain that is in a different place in each quatrain. 

Shared with the 4 top in the corner from over at Dverse Poets. Drink up, last call!

©2023 Christopher Reilley 

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  1. I love the illustration you used for you ‘Poem From Behind the Bar’, Chris, and the tone that you upheld throughout. I don’t recognise any of our bartenders, though. You made me smile.

  2. Sounds like the perfect bartender, as long as the drinks are well mixed they are what we crave I think

  3. I've never been a bartender, but this rings true.

  4. I love the voice and perspective from behind the bar Chris. If they tip well and got nice manners, I would imagine I will be happy counting the money. Great quatern!

  5. A very interesting take on the prompt. Well done. A taste of the reality behind the smile!

  6. This is fun and cheeky! A good one.

  7. So much of life is like this. Sad, true.

  8. Hilarious! My stepfather was a bartender. He was tough. The monkey looks a bit friendlier than he did.🤣

  9. A well focused bartender
    Nice one!!!


  10. I have worked behind a bar (as a student many years ago) and I recognise the detached attitude you must cultivate - delivered with panache...

  11. Love your cautionary quadrille! Thrills are cheap. At first. Absolutely memorable.

  12. My despair rides the wind .... a great line in a prose piece I thoroughly enjoyed!!


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