Travel Through Desert


They say you should never try it alone
And fill your tank first, don't forget water.
You know when it is near,
because the gas station is busier
than Beaver's house when the damn broke,
not long past midnight -
locals eating lunch.


When you leave the light at last
and feel what real dark is,
the last glow of things made by man
in the rear-view.


Something within you just – slows.


You make what time you can before the east ignites.
Rolling or stumbling, it is up to you.
And when you learn what life is like
on a match-head
you know with certainty
if you want to stay.


You make the decision, every time.
Cannot cross without doing it.
You choose to see the other side
or you choose not to.


Shared with DVerse Poets as a poem about a place, or space.

This poem appeared in "Breathing for Clouds" available from Big Table Publishing.

©2015 Christopher Reilley
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  1. Enjoyed the travel diaries specially the last one. Where you may end up, is up to you.

  2. Feeling the goosebumps on my skin as I read of your escape from civilization. I'm guessing every other sense goes on high alert.

  3. A most interesting take on the prompt. The desert calls and you make the choice!

  4. So intense! Must be one hell of an experience.

  5. Woah — that sounds exciting Chris, and perhaps a bit dangerous. Enjoyed reading this! 👍🏼🙂✌🏼

  6. Much food for thought here, Chris - great poem!

  7. I have driven across the desert and I remember that darkness... when i did it I could also see some distant thunder...

  8. This is absolutely stellar writing here, Christopher! Wow!


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