Transitory Girl


For a moment..

just the briefest of moments,

she was beautiful, gorgeous,

like the luscious apple

that sat on the sideboard

in a ceramic dish

until I threw it away,

it sides showing the very best of

red, orange and yellow,

the way sunsets do

when they are showing off,

the stem a celebration of lust

irrepressible and incomplete.

But the bottom
where you cannot see,
hidden by the lip of the bowl, is
moist, sunken down,

rancid and rotten.


Shared with DVerse Poets for the final prompt of 2022, an example of Zen poetry.

©2014 Christopher Reilley

I would love to know what you thought about this piece. 
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  1. Sometimes the external beauty does not extend to the inner side; sadly it is only skin deep and inside is a rotten and rancid personality. Like the imagery of the luscious apple, with a rotten bottom. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!

  2. Wow this is incredibly powerful writing, Christopher! Inner beauty is something which cannnot be replaced and/or compared to one's external one. 💘💘

  3. Wow this is very engaging Chris. You took us from the beautiful to the difficult underlying truth. I liked the Zen essence here my friend. Have a great holiday and see you next year.

  4. ewww the apple laid bare. I love your stem-to-lust comparison. Clever and fun.

  5. The inside of the apple is what counts... it takes time to noice.

  6. So many relationships start of so picture perfect, but sadly once examined, it's not so appetizing anymore! 👏👏

  7. I love the apple in use here. Hard to see internals.


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