Of Lulls and Byes


My child was weary and so was I
We had played and sung the day through.
So when she asked for a lullaby
I did what any poet would do.

I sang of ice cream floats and summer rain,
Of butter-cups and daddy's kiss,
Spun songs that I could never explain,
Some would hit, and some would miss.

I murmured songs of playground fun,
Of dressing up in wild costumes.
We dreamed of spaceship rides to the sun,
And riding through skies on witches brooms.

I sang of heroes and dragons in times gone past
Of second chances and seven tries
Songs of times both slow and fast
And whispers of both lulls and byes.

I spun stories until I had no more,
Hoping that our time I could keep,
I only ended when a heard a soft snore
Telling me that my babe was asleep.


This "end of day" ending was shared with those finality folks over at DVerse poets for a poem about endings. OK, I'm done.

This poem appeared in "Breathing for Clouds" available from Big Table Publishing.

©2008 Christopher Reilley
I would love to know what you thought about this piece. 
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  1. I love the play on words in the title, Chris, and the gentle rhythm and rhymes. What a lovely way to end the day - with songs, rhymes and a child's snore!

  2. It sounds wonderful falling asleep to stories... the bast way to do it.

  3. Cute title and poem filled with all the magic a child would enjoy - Truedessa

  4. This is soft and gentle as a lullaby. Love the singing and storytelling until we are ready to sleep.

  5. Tender times that we thought would last forever, Chris. I watch my son with his daughter and realize it so acutely.


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