Solving the Puzzle of Her


She sits idly by you once more
with the warmth of spiced rum,
her tastable smell, fecund and close,
enveloping you in possibilities.

Quietly, she watches you
when you bite at yourself -
the teeth of worry and regret
leaving marks upon your soul.

Yearning to comfort her
you do the one and only thing
she would never expect -
allow her to comfort you.

You kiss her lips, those lips -
so close to the moon of your heart,
that sunny, sighing mouth
that smiles at you from around your heat.

She allows you to open her, a juicy peach,
greedily you prise the seed from within her
moistened flesh, salted soul, now
in order to be whole, she needs you.

You watch her sleep, silent and awed,
the rise and fall of her heart moving yours
in the rhythm of a dance older than words
in the deep dark of when you were found.

©2014 Christopher Reilley

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