The Christmas Photo


While I was here, and you were there
There was nothing but Gray
at Christmas revelries. I was alone.

Through crowds of seasonal gaiety
my leaden steps passed un-heeded,
the tears that fell dried without notice.

When once you were mine, I had magic.
Yet there was no trick to undo my loss,
no secret word to stop missing you.

I spat my loathing on the joyous,
turned away from Yuletide revels,
defined myself by the dignity of anguish.

Until I found the Christmas snapshot,
the one where your smile warmed the frame,
delighted by being together.

The memory of your fragrance
breathed life into the photograph
and you were with me once more.

The falling snow around me
created a white canvas for me
to paint my dreams of you upon.

The jingle of carols became angel song
and my Christmas gift was the knowledge
that you had loved me at all.


This poem appeared in "Breathing for Clouds" available from Big Table Publishing.

©2013 Christopher Reilley
I would love to know what you thought about this piece. 
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  1. Loved the epiphany here, an anguish transformed to cheer with a memory unfolded and unfolding through an old snapshot. Beautifully crafted, C.

  2. How beautifully sad and satisfying this turned out to be. I love that you found an old photograph and came to that realization of love. Without loved ones, the holiday season can be depressing and lonely. I get the redemption feeling at the end. Cheers!

  3. "The knowledge that you had loved me at all"...wonder-full phrase!

  4. So beautifully tender: sometimes to have felt love is enough!

  5. oh, that is sad - but also very uplifting. you really pulled at my emotions with this one, Chris.

    -David [ben Alexander]

  6. Coming to terms comes gradually... a lot of the same sentiment that Ingrid presented in hers.

  7. This is lovely! Sometimes just a memory is enough.

  8. "defined myself by the dignity of anguish."
    Luv this line



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