Silent Partner


She noticed the painting
as I took her coat.

A nude, a red haired woman
bent over, one foot out of the tub
drying her feet
with a red towel.

"It is an old lover,"
I told her,
"but that isn't why I keep it.
I love the way the towel hangs
from her knee,
like fog drapes off a morning sun."

Her lips stole my next breath,
fingers tangled in my hair,
poetry scored another win.

Just as it had last time.


This poem appeared in "One Night Stanzas"
available from Big Table Publishing.

©2013 Christopher Reilley
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  1. smiles...of course women love a man who notices the beauty in the detail...and a man that can speak in poetry...smiles...

  2. Ha!! Nice!! Short but so very well done! :-)

  3. ah, the sensual words of a poet can be a deadly assault against any woman's resistance


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