Rule Breaker

Birds on a branch

Rule Breaker

Rules were made to be broken,
or so the old saw goes,
some folks live their entire lives
without knowing where the road goes.

Do not tell me that I can’t,
because I will have to prove you wrong.
You have no business telling me
how to sing my own true song.

I am the captain of my own fate.
I go which way I will.
Sometime I want to sleep in Rome,
and wake up in Brazil

I’ve made mistakes, I know its true,
and I will make some more.
But they will be my own mistakes,
not the same ones I’ve made before

You say no I can’t, I say yes I can.
I just might kill myself trying.
For living without stretching my wings
is another, slower kind of dying.

Progress is made by the unsatisfied;
the complacent sit safe and sound.
I cannot stop to explain myself -
for I am horizon bound.


This poem appeared in "Breathing for Clouds" available from Big Table Publishing.

©2009 Christopher Reilley
I would love to know what you thought about this piece. 
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  1. I love "for I am horizon bound". And singing one's own true song is another line I identify with. I think young people will have to be this strong and defiant, in order to create the change so needed in this world. I know some of them are trying hard. Glad you joined the conversation, Christopher.

  2. I am wondering if this poem is tongue in the me me world we are encouraged to do our own thing and be ourselves...not great advice for the herd and we can see the result....books have been written by wise humans (philosophers) in the past warning us however they are not read.


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