A Pine Example

A Pine Example

Put yourself way back - 
among the first humans,
crunching and freezing in deep new snow.

The very first people
to walk among snow-clad pines - 
majestic under crystalyne weight,
yet thriving beneath the freeze - 
took comfort in the sight.

And strove to do the same.


This Quadrille (44 word poem) is shared with the poets I'm pining for over at DVerse Poets.

©2023 Christopher Reilley 

I would love to know what you thought about this piece. 
Please consider leaving a comment.


  1. Gorgeous! I want to be there.

  2. Excellent... to live by example.

  3. Beautiful. I hope they did. Perhaps they just wanted to get warm and find food. 🙂

  4. Oh, I could feel the cold and hear the snow crunching beneath my feet. Quite lovely on this hot summer day. Wonderful, thank you for taking me there!

  5. They quite possibly did make that reflection. I'm sure early people were far more attuned to nature than we are. (Jane)

  6. Such a brilliant take on the prompt 🙌

  7. What a majestic sight it was, and is.

  8. May I say this is a cool quadrille?!!

  9. Nicely done quadrille.

    Arcadia Maria

  10. I love how you've taken us back in time, but given us something to strive for in the future.

  11. On this warm morning, your pine quadrille was so refreshing, Chris, and it was so easy to slip back in time to join those first humans. I love the line ‘crunching and freezing in deep new snow’ – so simple and so effective – and I can understand the ‘comfort in the sight of snow-clad pines’.

  12. Nice! A Pine Example as you say!!


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