To Work at Being a Poet

There are only three things you need: 

The strength to not give up on a poem till it works, 
the courage to give up on a poem that does not work, 
and the trust in other people to help you distinguish between the two.

This Quadrille (44 word poem) was prompted on Labor Day by those working poets over at DVerse Poets.


©2022 Christopher Reilley 

I would love to know what you thought about this piece. 
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  1. The Poets Serenity Prayer. I love it <3

  2. Indeed. Packing a punch


  3. Wise words. I would say the same for storytelling. Cheers.

  4. I certainly agree with your first two point Chris. My third point would have been : to realize a poem is never done. I edit and edit — and publish and republish, until I am bored with the essence of that particular poem. Then I let it marinate, sometimes published and sometimes not. Still I move on and come back to almost every one — at times, years later. I save every iteration of a poem, provided the iteration gave me with some level of satisfaction. I am of the mind that all poems have many plateaus. I do scrap the ones that simply fail to launch. I will always listen to critique, but I seldom embrace it, because ultimately, only I know what I was trying to say. I allowed critique to influence me in my early years, but most of the time it led me down a blind alley, losing completely my original intention. So it went in the oval file drawer and I would start over. Not saying my approach is right, just saying — every committed poet eventually develops their procedure — it is inevitable that “their voice” will emerge, the result of time invested. I never intentionally utilize (it has happened accidentally) established poetry forms for my personal poetry, except when I participate with the dVerse community — which I thoroughly enjoy. Sorry for rambling on here Chris. Feel free to erase this if you wish.

  5. Sometimes, a poem can be hard work, but at others it’s a doddle. It all depends on one’s frame of mind. I will pin your poem above my laptop, Christopher!

  6. Ah....but sometimes a poem is simply self-expression that needs airing on the page and sometimes that is enough in and of itself.

  7. I absolutely love this. I think maybe I need to write more and give up more.

  8. So well said, Christopher! This truly resonates.


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