The Name of Light is Victory

The Name of Light is Victory

Every tunnel, by definition, has an end.

If you found yourself
crawling across broken glass
through the Lincoln Tunnel
to save your true love
on the other side - 
you could at least find comfort
in the finite nature
of your circumstance.

War is nothing like that.

War is a never-ending uphill climb
through Hell's own corridors;
blocking out sky,
forcing you to your knees,
taking more than you are willing to give
to people miles away
you never met,
or wronged.

The light at the end of the tunnel
that we have all heard so much about
is not celestial, not holy,
not mere sunlight after darkness,
(as if that could be 'mere')
the only light that matters
is the fire of defiance
that burns away lies,
exposes crimes,
and blisters those
who seek to rule through fear and death.

That light has a name,
one I hope we can all shout together - 


This ekphrastic piece is inspired by the artwork and mindset of Ukrainian artist Vika Muse.

You can find her on Instagram @get.muse 
She is also featured on this website

I learned of her work from our friends at DVerse.

©2022 Christopher Reilley 

I would love to know what you thought about this piece. 
Please consider leaving a comment.


  1. A strong message about the harsh reality of this war. I specially love this part:

    is the fire of defiance
    that burns away lies,
    exposes crimes,
    and blisters those
    who seek to rule through fear and death.

  2. That final verse leaves me hoping 💛💙 Thank you for this beautiful poem. This is absolutely inspired.

  3. "the only light that matters
    is the fire of defiance
    that burns away lies,
    exposes crimes,
    and blisters those
    who seek to rule through fear and death."
    That is the truth beautifully stated.

  4. A realistic interpretation of that light. We can carry light and hope in our hearts but we must also rise to the power of evil.

  5. Bang on; excellent perceptions and message that rocks the prompt; tough love, harsh reality, war is not a playground, and not all tunnels are of love, not all light is silent.


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