Cry Her Lilies

Cry Her Lilies

Waxen flowers tower over
her waxen repose.

Polished and pale -
cut off from life
and displayed
to my goddamn eyes,
now linked in my mind
with the loss
of my heart.

The urge to pull 
both of my eyes
from their sockets
is maddening.

This quadrille (44 words) poem was prompted by those teary eyed folks over at DVerse.

©2022 Christopher Reilley 

I would love to know what you thought about this piece. 
Please consider leaving a comment.


  1. heartaching to read but impossible to consider experiencing.

  2. The ending lines is filled with maddening grief. Beautifully sad quadrille.

  3. Cry Her Lilies..............There is such power to this piece. Anyone who has lost a dearest, and gone to the wake with the flowers around and towering above and over the made up waxen body that once was alive, just as those blooms had their lives cut short....
    I found this a powerful piece.

  4. the grief in the last lines cuts deep.

  5. the sadness and grief is so palpable.

  6. Oops I entered a comment on another of your poems ... this feels visceral and is beautifully composed!

  7. Such extreme sorrow... tearing your eyes from their sockets is extreme

  8. Heard of pulling hairs. Pulling eyes now thats dramatic and ghastly

    Have a good Tuesday

    Much love

  9. wow. this is intense Christ - that last stanza...

    -David [ben Alexander]

  10. Such intense grief--and shades of Oedipus!


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