Thoughtlets on a Winter Workday

Thoughtlets on a Winter Workday

1. We've had 
brighter days, 
but never 
have we seen 
blacker nights, 
somewhere between 
the Devil's bollocks 
and a producer's heart.

2.  Her kiss was cold, 
and as sterile 
as the surface of the moon. 
How then 
could she 
pull at the tides 
within him?

3. It wasn't always 
like this, 
in a day and age 
before this one, 
did not have to cheat 
in order 
to triumph.

4. We trod 
on the sins 
and sacrifices 
of the last generation, 
so we must 
carry the weight 
of the next, 
and hold them high. 

5. We know 
the holidays 
are here 
when our eyes 
hunt for mistletoe 
the way 
a celebrity 
hunts for a camera.

6. It is true 
that love 
is fleeting, 
but the stains 
it leaves behind 
can only 
be bleached away 
by time 
and tears.

This fragmented look inside my head was prompted by those solidly-glued folks over at DVerse.

©2021 Christopher Reilley 

I would love to know what you thought about this piece. 
Please consider leaving a comment.


  1. Christopher, I love the image you chose to go with the poem. You build up to the concluding stanza, which howls with anguished truth, with great skill.

  2. I enjoyed your winter fragments - the last one really hits and I wonder how much bleach it will take?

  3. your second fragment hit home. i meet a few women back in the day whos kisses where sterile. love this poem.

  4. I enjoyed all of your Fragment(!): Thoughtlets ...each was a kind of aphorism and #2 is my favourite

  5. Each of these stanzas could stand on its own. I'd agree with you, they're thoughtlets rather than fragments taken out of context and sense. I prefer this type of poem.

  6. Chris - you really aced this one! I love it.

    BTW, I just want to let you know that I've posted your poem 'I Am A Poem' up at the Skeptic's Kaddish:

    Thanks so much!

    All best,
    David [ben Alexander]

  7. You absolutely rocked the prompt! 💝💝 I especially like; "We trod
    on the sins and sacrifices of the last generation, so we must carry the weight of the next, and hold them high. "

  8. I am in the half-sleep insomniac bloom of zolpidem, but I like your work. I will return when I am once again razored out to write a ringing comment! ✌🏼❤️


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