

Patriotism and Nationalism sat across from each other, locked in debate.

“It is your duty to die for your country, it is an honor!” Nationalism pounded the teak. “You are either one of us or you are against us!”

Patriotism scoffed, “Nonsense. Your duty is to question your leaders when you don’t understand, protest when your leaders go astray, vote them out when they do not serve your interests.”

“Duty does not include dissent! One must do as they are told! The people must be led!”

“Intelligent, well-informed people do not need to be led, just represented.”

“Bah,” Nationalism barked a laugh, “Strong leaders do not represent, they embody! People respond to a strong leader! So, if all do their duty, they need not fear harm.”

“Well, you just said their duty was to die, so, one supposes that harm is inevitable, right?”

This prose piece is from a DVerse prompt using the line:

So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm.

From Songs of Innocence (1789) William Blake

©2021 Christopher Reilley 
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  1. If only the two could truly converse.

  2. Well said! I like how you personify Nationalism and Patriotism. 'Your duty is to question your leaders when you don’t understand, protest when your leaders go astray, vote them out when they do not serve your interests.'
    - unfortunately, those in power often do not like to be questioned, and they certainly don't like to be voted out! We should never give them too much power...

  3. great piece and well said. as we all know complete power corrupts completely

  4. It's a fine line between nationalism and patriotism. , So fine that the right has assimilated both ideas and merged them. They've become interchangeable. I'm all for national pride, as long as it's justified. It rarely is.

  5. Very timely. There are way too many flag -wavers who have no idea of what democracy means. I agree with Jane, too.

  6. I love your use of personification, Chris. This is ingenious!

    -David [ben Alexander]

  7. They are still dying, loyal to the misinformation. A clever dialogue.

  8. Oh I love this, reclaiming the word patriotism from the partisan nationalists is of utmost importance...

  9. Your Prosery is quite brilliant!!!

  10. This is absolutely ingenious prose writing! You rocked the prompt :D


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